
The Burdekin Community Association Inc. (BCA) is a not-for-profit, incorporated association, which strives to fulfil the unmet social, welfare and health needs of the  community. A diverse range of community services are delivered by the BCA to the Burdekin Shire. Since establishment in 1975, BCA has evolved to become one of the largest community organisations in the region.

The BCA is a registered charity, has an Australian Business Number, Income Tax Exemption and Deductible Gift Recipient status.

Many of BCA’s initiatives are made possible by the generosity of local service clubs, business houses, individuals and the Burdekin Shire Council.


Vision, Purpose, Values and Operating Principles of BCA

Our Vision

BCA’s Vision is for ” Compassionate and connected communities where everyone is supported and free from hardship and distress.”

Our Purpose

BCA’s Purpose is  “To provide direct relief to the aged, families, children and individuals who are experiencing poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability or helplessness”

Our Values

Our Values provide a platform for individual, team and organisation attitudes and behaviours, the way we work and interact with people.

  • Compassion. We bring holistic care, hope and inspiration through our understanding and empathy to others
  • Respect. We treat everyone with care and respect at all times.
  • Integrity. We maintain the highest degree of ethical standards and put our values into action.
  • Leading through learning. Our culture encourages innovation and supports learning.

Our Operating Principles

Our operating principles include:
  • Responding justly and fairly
  • Working in partnership
  • Enabling and supporting improvements in the community services sector
  • Being accountable for our resources and actions

BCA Profile

BCA Organisational Profile 19.09.23.docx


Our Management Committee

The Management Committee encompass a number of individuals who as a group represent the community and are responsible for the management of the association.


Ms Majella Meehan               President

Mr Brian Sorohan                 Secretary 

Ms Cathy McDonnell            Treasurer

Mrs Treena List                     Committee Member

Cr Fina Vasta                         Council Representative

Snr Sgt Steve Barton         Committee Member

John Furnell                           Committee Member


Our Senior Employees

Our team of experienced and dedicated employees continue to raise standards of support through personal and professional improvement and partnership with clients, families, providers, governments and the community.

Our structure consists of a Chief Executive Officer and four Service Coordinators.  The CEO is responsible for implementing the association’s policies and decisions.  On a day-to-day basis the CEO’s role includes managing the BCA’s affairs.

Chief Executive Officer – Mrs Debra Cochran
